A Test Of Stamina

Intuitive Fish
1 min readAug 31, 2021


Bare Tree Photo by Todd Trapani from Pexels


August 31, 2021

It’ a good day to stay committed to higher values. To get back on track, become aware of misleading information or delusions that led you off track. You don’t have to compromise your true principles.

As contentious Mars moves in on its opposition to gullible Neptune Rx and compromising Pallas Rx, the grounding Virgo Sun continues its square to the Nodes both of which form a shifting T-square with relationship Juno and mother-nurturing Ceres. Neptune and Mercury become indecisive as a Waning Moon squares both after a square to Mars and trine to Jupiter Rx along with an extremely slow-moving all night void-of-course. Adding to the sludge is a Sun quincunx hard-working Saturn Rx while an enlightening Hammer of Thor pounds inescapable disillusionment in a highly mental atmosphere of Air and mutable chaos….

Read the rest of today’s astrology forecast at intuitivefish.com. Follow the Daily Astro for conscious awareness, comforting support, and practical life guidance.



Intuitive Fish

5-Planet Triple Scorpio with a 12th House Stellium and a Pisces North Node