Authentic Solutions

Intuitive Fish
1 min readSep 4, 2021


White Spiral Photo by Ethan Wu from Pexels


September 4, 2021

It’s a great day to organize creative solutions or figure out a routine structure to achieve a concise objective. Confidence in your objective is necessary even if it’s a mission impossible.

Mercury makes an intellectually inspiring trine to work-focused Saturn Rx while the not so illuminating Leo Moon continues to wane into the Dark Moon phase ahead of tomorrow’s all day void-of-course after a self-empowering trine to Chiron Rx and a square blocking maverick Uranus Rx. Two powerful Grand Trines prepare us for a bold, inspiring New Moon September 6. Ground work Venus and Saturn make nagging aspects to dreaming Neptune Rx while the work perfectionist Virgo Sun holds its necessary surrender novile to aesthetics Venus in a continuously changing atmosphere….

Read the rest of today’s astrology forecast at Follow the Daily Astro for conscious awareness, comforting support, and practical life guidance.



Intuitive Fish

5-Planet Triple Scorpio with a 12th House Stellium and a Pisces North Node