Real Solutions

Intuitive Fish
Aug 29, 2021


Desktop Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels


Sunday, August 29, 2021

It’s a good day to accept the facts of a matter. It might not be easy to face a hard truth but it can awaken your honest thoughts and feelings which are needed to make the right choices.

As the Virgo Sun of perfectionism perfects a roadblocking square to the emotional Moon’s nodes as well as Lilith and Ceres… the Moon transitions into overthinking Gemini, as clear-seeing Mercury sesquisquares unconventional Uranus Rx. Even before Mercury shifts into Libra, intellectual Air has already crowded out grounding Earth, inspiring Fire, and emotional Water….

Read the rest of today’s astrology forecast at Follow the Daily Astro for conscious awareness, comforting support, and practical life guidance.



Intuitive Fish

5-Planet Triple Scorpio with a 12th House Stellium and a Pisces North Node