Revolutionary Revelations
Monday, September 6, 2021
It’s a perfect day to fill in missing details and make sure bases are covered. It might take extra time and work, but precision pays off long term. Collaborate and plan according to revolutionary realizations.
As the Sun and New Moon form a mutable T-square with mother-relationships Ceres and Juno, the Moon also triggers Ceres’ revealing Hammer of Thor involving yesterday’s AUTHENTIC official partnerships Venus square Pluto Rx. Smooth talking Mercury in Libra rapidly continues to move into its opposition to wounded Chiron Rx in Aries on Sept 8 forming a Rectangle with Juno and Ceres along with an inspiration for research Grand Air Trine including the work team of Saturn Rx and mother nature Ceres. Meanwhile, an unusual amount of beautiful trines fill the sky including the detail-focused Sun and ready for change Uranus, as well as ambitious Mars and authenticating Pluto. Chiron trines Juno and soul-mission North Node trines intuitive Black Moon Lilith….
Read the rest of today’s astrology forecast at Follow the Daily Astro for conscious awareness, comforting support, and practical life guidance.